White Magic Spell Casters Share Knowledge While Black Magic Sorcerers Keep Everything Secret


So many things are around us: white, black, magic, and spells. But when the time comes, we need to choose one, wherein when pain may occur, we like to choose the one that gives us faster relief, correct?

Many clients ask which is better: white magic or black magic. Which one will give you the details of what is done and how? Why is it done that way? Which one will provide faster effects and results? To understand all this, we first need to understand the concept of magic.

Distinguishing White and Black Magic Practices

When cast or performed, a white magic spell uses solar energy or instead focuses on solar power, allowing its user to connect to the sun and all the gods related to the sun or solar energy. In other words, white magic is performed by summoning energies present during the daytime. When cast or performed, a black magic spell uses energy present during the nighttime or, let’s say, nocturnal energies and gods related to darkness.

It makes no difference if it’s the white magic way or the black magic way, the rule of three implies. The only thing is that white magic spell casters share their knowledge while black magic sorcerers keep everything secret. There is a great extent of reason for a white magic spell caster to share everything and for black magic sorcerers to keep secrets.

White Magic Visibility Versus Black Magic Secrecy in Rituals

As stated above, white magic spell casters use energies present during the light; hence, what is done can be felt when it is done, whereas black magic uses energies present in the darkness. Therefore, things cannot be seen when the rituals are performed and thus are kept a secret.

It has also been observed that white magic comprises rituals where the usage of planetary movements, angels, and past life’s work are used or exist when the ritual is performed. Hence these things are considered legal, and thus a white magic spell caster shares their knowledge with their clients or customers. Wherein black magic uses energy present during the nighttime, black magic also denies the law of life and uses energy opposing the law of life (it is expected for all energy to rest when there is no light). Hence, black magic spell casters do not share how they perform rituals.

Balanced Sorcery Using White and Black Magic for Good

I would also like to share a fact with all my readers: a true or balanced sorcerer would be a person who uses both white and black magic together for the good of someone and not to harm anyone. There are also beliefs that magic is just magic used to change the past, future, or current state. With black magic intending to service themselves and white magic intending to service others, there is no reason a spell caster or a sorcerer would use both to maintain balance.

Hence, the above can be a few reasons why white magic spell casters share their knowledge and black magic sorcerers keep it hidden. However, when magic is performed in black or white, nothing is hidden.


Recommended reading: Learn about Voodoo and black magick.