Are you in love? Do you think that your lover is not listening to you? Do you believe that your lover never fulfills your wishes and desires? If the answer is NO, skip this; it is not an article for you. But before you ignore it, think again! If you answer “YES” to any or all of the questions above, continue to read. Learn how to make your lover beg and fulfill all your desires and wishes. Just like you had your genie saying, “Your wish is my command.”
Voodoo Techniques for Influencing Your Lover’s Desires
If you have been reading my related articles, you have acquired knowledge that I have learned about black magic ways after much expedition and research. You must also know that I have promised all my readers ways to use specific spells to accomplish some needs and wants. There can be so many wishes that people can make, and in truth, not even the almighty can grant all of them. Hence, I have also picked up the few topics I searched for the most, and I am writing down the black magic way so that my readers can use them and benefit from them.
Though this stuff is not generally shared, we all are learned people, aren’t we? So, I have decided to put the spell casting techniques down so that they help my reader. Well, coming back to what I was talking about, to be specific, I would be now showing you a technique rather than a way to make your lover beg and accomplish your desires, even if your lover does not want to. There are many ways to do so, but the voodoo spell style is the most effective.
Preparing for Voodoo Practice with Detailed Ingredients and Cautions
Voodoo is practiced as a religion and has evolved from Africa, now widely practiced in many Muslim countries and India. I learned this during my excursion and stayed with Indian sage and voodoo casters. Now, here is the tip. First, you must gather the ingredients and practice this on a pet, a dog, a cat, or a guinea pig. Once you master the art, only try it on your lover because a slight mistake can take away the life of either you or your lover. I would also suggest that all my readers use professional help from the masters of black magic to have a good command of this spell. It isn’t easy to control your lover, boyfriend, girlfriend, or whoever it is. Controlling someone’s mind is challenging, but it can be done!
Here is what you need: around 0.5511 pounds (250 grams) of wheat flour, 1 cup of water, black sesame seeds, and pale yellow rice. It should not have any husk attached to it. One meter red piece of cloth, 3.5-meter black fabric, mustard oil weighing 10 Oz, white sesame oil weighing 11 Oz, one dozen paper pins, five green lemons, and 29 yellow lemons. Red vermillion is a string of hair from your lover and a small piece of cloth from your lover’s used cloth (cloth should not have been washed after use).
Complex Voodoo Dough Ritual for Gaining Control Over Your Lover
First, make a flour dough using the water you have kept. Once the dough is made, shape the dough to be male or female (whoever your lover is). When ready, pin the hair string towards the head and the cloth near the belly. Sprinkle the vermilion on the head and face parts, then cover the upper part of the dough body with the black piece of cloth you bought and the lower part with the red piece of fabric. Lit a bonfire and put a bowl on top of the fire; mix both the mustard and sesame oil in the bowl and let it simmer, then cut all the green lemons and squeeze all the juice of those lemons inside the bowl, stir the mixture and let it simmer. At the same time, the mixture is being prepared, cut all the 29 yellow lemons and squeeze the juice properly all over the dough so that the dough becomes wet, then dip the dough in the pale yellow rice so that the whole dough is covered in cloth now gets covered by rice.
Check your timing, and as soon as it is 15 minutes left to one a.m., dip the rice and cloth-covered dough inside the mixing bowl and let it simmer again. When the dough and the mixture are getting hot, enchant the spell below: “Cupid, cupid, send me your genie, and let my lover obey me,” you need to enchant this spell nine times. Every time you finish the spell, make sure to blow air from your mouth in the mixing bowl, and at the end of the 9th time, you will see that the dough has vanished and the rice will float. If this happens, then understand that your lover would obey you like a slave and do anything to fulfill your desires, and if it does not occur, you need to do the whole ritual again.