So, you’ve run across one of those people, right? The ones who are full of themselves, lost in gazing at their own image? Well, here’s a little trick to make their arrogance their downfall. This hex is made just for those too wrapped up in their looks, too blind to notice anything else. They think they’re better than everyone else. Say you’ve come across someone who shows off their good looks like it makes them a boss or something. This spell’s job is to break that dream and bring them down to earth.
Ingredients & Setup:
1. Collect a few strands of hair and nail clippings along with a picture of the individual you wish to target.
2. With a black marker, inscribe “Beauty and Charm” onto the photo.
3. Place these items in a fire-safe bowl or cauldron and ignite them in an open area.
As the flames consume, recite the following words to release the energy of the spell:
“(Person’s name), you who see
beauty as power, now cursed shall be.
Through your own eyes, you’ll now perceive
a reflection twisted, your looks deceived.
All beauty you held begins to flee,
as your mind loses clarity.
Look in the mirror, see time wear
and feel despair as youth fades there.
The pride you wore as your disguise,
crumbles now before your eyes.
Once bold and grand,
your confidence is now but dust, as I demand.
By your own vanity, you’ll be bound,
as your reflection brings you down.”
Seal the spell with the following invocation:
“I invoke the powers of the deep,
guardians of shadows, rise from sleep.
By the forces unseen, so let it be.”
Once the ashes cool, collect them in a small bag or container. Scatter them discreetly around the victim’s space or, if possible, within their home. As you do, visualize this curse manifesting, drawing their vanity inward until it becomes their torment. Close by focusing on your intent, allowing the energy to settle into the world.
When complete, ensure the fire is fully extinguished and continue with your night, letting the spell’s effect unfold.