Magic Spells That Really Work

Magic spell to trap a soul

Voodoo Love Spell

Magic spells work, but magic spells need to be adequately performed. Highly trained spellcasters can cast spells that work, even if you find many spells over the internet or in different magic books. However, casting them right is the only way to make those magic spells work. When performed or cast, magic spells require few ingredients and a mixing of those ingredients. These ingredients must be bought with a unique selection and mixed in proper and nominated percentages for the magic spell to work out.

You will find three working magic spells, complete with instructions on how to cast them and the ingredients required. Follow the steps correctly, and you will see that the spells really work.

Magic spell to trap a soul

You would need a glass container of around 250 milliliters, a black butterfly, and a white candle. This spell must be performed on a full moon or a new moon night and only after two o’clock midnight.

Close the room in which you would be performing the magic. Only keep a window open. Let the black butterfly fly, light the candle, and place it below the glass container. Then chant the below spell twenty-one times. You see that the butterfly comes and gets inside the container. Once it does, close the lid quickly to trap the butterfly because it will have the soul of the person you want to trap. Let the candle relinquish itself and then bury the container in a flowerpot. Do this for a full moon phase to keep the spell’s effect for a long time.

“Elatromus stupendum
Fatium mazinumun
Personus solus slodum
Trapunumus bilitronumus”

Magic spell to win an ex back

You would need a red heart-shaped candle; make sure there is no design on the candle and that the candle is plain. You would also need a needle and two red rose petals. With the help of the needle, first, inscribe your ex-lover’s name on one side of the candle. On the other side, carve your name and draw a link from both sides of the names to attach the different name. Break the needle in two halves, and on each line drawn, attach a rose petal with the help of the broken needle. Now light up the candle, let it burn slowly, and keep observing it. A point will come when the petals get burnt, and at that time, chant the below spell five times and keep watching the candle. When the candle blows off, the broken pieces of the needles should join in the wax. If it does, you have correctly enchanted the spell and performed the ritual, and in five days, your ex-lover will get back to you.

“Lusitocus anenumus
Ibilisumus gibrael
Unite us both as we are broken
Tohunutum bibrel.”

Magic spell for good luck in lottery

You would need a lotto card and a white candle to cast a magic spell for good luck in the lottery. This spell must be performed each time you play the lotto, so ensure you have adequate cards. Just before you buy a lotto ticket, light up the white candle, burn the lotto card, and cast the spell below three times. Take the ashes and blow off the candle, rub the ashes on your lips and say whatever numbers come on your mouth, loud enough to hear it, buy the lotto with those numbers, and you will see that you will win every time you perform the spell.

“Lucomoti luck
Britogrili luck
Lippo luck
Lottomonous luck.”

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Warlock Eeno