Many have portrayed this old form of magic known as Santeria as only rituals where animal sacrifices are made and the devil is worshiped. But the truth, I fear, is something else. If we look deeply into the history of Santeria, we will find that Santeria is a religion of the old world, which has a lot of power, beauty, and knowledge for us to learn from. This religion originated from the Yoruba habitats of Africa, now known as Nigeria, and is one of the most potent magical religions to date. Though, much of the meaning of Santeria is explained as worshiping the devil. But if we understand the name Santeria itself, it proves that it has nothing to do with the devil because the name Santeria is a Spanish term that, if translated, would mean “worshiping the saints.” Hence, it is believed that the saints, when worshiped, would come down to earth to help, console, and give power to the followers and people who pray for them.
Worship of Saints
The saints are worshiped in different deities and are known as orishas. The priest who practices the form of worship is known as Santero. Still, to attain priesthood in the Santerian religion, one must go through three initiation levels. Thus Santeria is often also termed as the religion of initiation. This religion believes in only one God and has many saints in the form of orishas, and each orisha controls a different aspect of nature and human behavior. It is believed that only the Babalawo or the high priest can summon orishas, and then the power is passed down to santeros to perform different duties as needed.
Misconceptions about Santeria
Santeria, a closed religion, has drawn false advertising that animals are sacrificed while performing rituals. Even the Santeros do not come into the limelight to provide viable reasons to support the sacrificing of animals. Yet, at least it’s known by the ordinary person that in very few rituals and ceremonies performed, chickens are sacrificed but later consumed by the Santeros themselves. However, since the Santeros remain quiet about explaining why chickens are offered in some rituals, the delusion of animal sacrifice prevails sternly, giving Santeria religion a look of being evil.
Good herbalists
We should also know that all the santeros or priests of the Santeria religion are good herbalists because most rituals and ceremonies performed within this religion are bound to use herbs and flowers as a component or ingredient of magic. It is believed that the main reason behind performing a magic spell in Santeria is to get the power of the saints, or what is better known as the ashe, to complete a specific need or attain a goal.
A sympathetic magic
The first thing a santero would do is perform an ebbo, which is offering or sacrificing something to the orishas to get ashe from the desired deity. Ebbo is also performed from time to time to show love, affection, and respect to different orishas. Santeria’s whole concept of magic falls under sympathetic magic, and there is no black magic in Santeria. The evil form of magic or black magic is known as Palo Monte or Palo Mayombe. It is usually cast by another tribe known as the Bantus or Congos, who do not fall under the Santeria religion.