Santeria love spells can be of different natures and can vary depending on the diverse needs of other individuals. The standard part of all spell creation under the Santeria religion is performing the ceremonies and offerings of flowers and herbs specific to the specific orishas and getting the ashes from them to establish a successful goal in casting the love spell.
These love spells can be used to find true love, bring an ex back, remove problems related to love life, commitment from your side or your lover, or even break up couples from a love relationship. Santeria love spells are also used to attract someone for love and romance purposes or to fulfill lust, passion, and sex. Mostly, all these spells are cast only by the Santero. Sometimes, a Babalawo will also actively participate in the spell ritual. Still, if you follow some steps correctly, you can cast Santeria love spells by yourself, but again, to get quick and perfect results, you should always rely on a spell cast by the Santero.
Specific Wishes to Strengthen Bonds in Santeria Love Spells
To cast Santeria love spells in general to strengthen your relationship with your lover, you must first know which deity to praise and pray to. You should select and offer the specific herbs and flowers the orisha claims are their own. Once you please the deity with your offering, you will get the power to fulfill your wish. Remember, you can wish only once, and be very specific since a wish cannot be duplicated or generalized. Let’s say you wish for a strong love relationship. Make sure you state your wish to be specific, such as having a stronger love relationship with your boyfriend or girlfriend, since love can exist in any relationship.
Once your wish is granted, make sure to thank the orisha and keep a record of the development of the spell’s results. You must note whether your relationship with your lover is getting stronger—only you can perfectly judge this.
Steps to Cast a Santeria Love Spell
A little more insight on how to cast the spell: for the spell, you would need to please Elegba, the deity of the Santeria religion. Keep a red heart-shaped piece of paper on an altar and write your full name and your lover’s full name on it. Then, draw a chain from your name to your lover’s name. On the other hand, write about your wish to make your relationship stronger. Now, place pink and purple candles on both sides of the paper. Light them up and then offer pink or purple flowers on the altar for the deity. Remember, if you have the slightest intention of harming someone, then the orisha will never help you achieve what you are looking for.