Magic spells are practiced in different forms in almost all parts of the world. They are not newly invented but passed down from generation to generation. We mostly find rituals and ways of casting different spells that people have learned from their ancestors.
Let me tell you that one of the most common uses of spells is for casting love spells. Love spells are very powerful if cast the right way. Powerful love spells came from those who practiced black magic and voodoo rituals. Now, we should understand why love spells are the most wanted. The reason is that when we fail in love matters more often, we have no other option but to approach something beyond nature. Since magic and spells use powers from energies beyond nature, the help of such energies was taken to sort out and bring success in love-related cases.
Today, the internet and technology have developed a lot, which has brought many revolutions and changes in communication. Hence, many learned spell casters share their ways of casting powerful love spells online via a website or other media. We can even try those spells to get a result since one thing is sure: if they do not yield a good result, they will bring no harm or give birth to any evil. To better understand the same below, I have summed up a few powerful love spells you can cast yourself.
Powerful spells to get physical
Most of the time, people visit psychics to get this spell cast because they feel like their partner is not physically attracted to them, cannot satisfy them physically, or their partner is not satisfied by them physically. I have also seen many females approaching the spell caster for this kind of love spell to establish a physical relationship with someone who does not want to get physical with the lady. Hence, here is a powerful love spell that can make your wishes come true.
You would need a male genital candle, a picture of the person you want to get physical with, and five dragon nails. First, you have to take a bath to cleanse your body. Drain the water away from the bathtub and stay there without any clothes. Place the male genital candle inside the tub and stick the picture of the person with the help of the dragon nails. Light the candle and cast the below spell five times, and each time you finish, light the candle, thinking it to be the genitals of the man. In five days, you will establish a physical relationship with the person whose picture has been used.
“snakuslumum bitadusum
Iliya ille butum gilum
Tupuk tupuk chilium chilium”.
Powerful love spells to get ex back
Another very frequently used love spell is all about bringing an ex-lover back. It is easy to fall in love with someone but hard to forget the person if they were the one leaving you. It can feel like a failure, a mistake, or you wish to get the lover back and live as you did in the past. I have seen people approach love psychics with these kinds of spell requirements who are mostly frustrated, broken, sad, or desperate to make things work for them. A very learned spell caster would always advise moving on, but if the candidate insists, they will provide the service to the same. Below is one such spell using a potent form of magic: voodoo; hence, this love spell is one of the very powerful love spells to get ex back. Either gender can use this to bring back their ex.
Ingredients for the powerful love spell
You would need a green lemon, fifteen pins, and a voodoo doll. You can purchase a voodoo doll or make one yourself. Make sure it resembles the gender of the person you pursue. You would also need:
- approx. 1 oz black mustard seeds and white mustard seeds,
- red cloth with five rose petals,
- a picture or used piece of fabric,
- or a string of hair of the person you want to cast the spell on.
Instructions for the powerful love spell
Using the pins stick, the piece of cloth or hair is used on the specific body part of the doll, that is, the hair, and it goes on the head. The shirt piece, or top, goes on the upper body part, and jeans and trousers go on the leg part of the doll. If you have a picture, cut the face and stick it on the doll’s face. Then attach the five rose petals on the doll, each on the head, face, body, sexual organ, and legs. Cut the lemon and squeeze it on the doll’s head to wet it with lemon juice. Stick the white mustard seeds on the head and black mustard seeds on the genitals. Wrap the doll with the red cloth and then pin up the fabric using the pins to cover the doll completely. Ensure no pins are left over and you have used them all.
Powerful love spells chat
Now, light a heart-shaped candle on a new moon night and keep the doll in front of the candle. Close your eyes, imagine the face of your lover, and chant the spell written below fifteen times. Please do this for fifteen new moon days. On the sixteenth new moon day, your lover will be back to you forever and ever.
“ulumitus nimotutus
Mulostimus ninoti
Levisunum clothusum bibhantutim
Nagarajanum saktitutum
Lovum luvus lukus lutim
Itamajahus kolaberi dudum”.
Thus, to sum up, love spells are so strong that they should always be performed under guidance or with the help of experienced spell casters only. They can give you quick and fast results and solve most love-related problems.