If you are concerned that someone has cast a black magic spell against you, you will find some keys to know in this article. There are several ways to tell if you are under the influence of a spell.
The evil eye is not the same as Black Magic and is a more significant word. The evil eye can be done by someone envious voluntarily or involuntarily.
Black Magic, on the other hand, is malicious work done consciously to hurt someone, make him sick, annul his life, destroy it, or take away his will so that he is incapable of living his life normally. But intentions are evil, selfish, and negative.
Make one thing clear: if you are thinking of doing Black Magic work, do it with a professional. If this is not well done, it turns against you 100%.
Whatever you do to someone, this will come back, and you will suffer in your flesh.
That’s why you should consult a trained professional. Do not try it yourself if you have little experience.
How do we know if someone cast a Black Magic spell on us?
There are physical and psychic symptoms to detect if they had cast us a spell. One does not mean anything since we can all be sick. However, all at once, when you are not, it is significant, and you can begin to think seriously about what you have done.
- If you have a headache, you take a painkiller, which does nothing to you.
- If your stomach hurts or if you have a breakdown often without an apparent medical cause.
- If you lack concentration, focus on work or anything.
- If you always feel tired, you rest and get exhausted when your analytics are perfect.
- If you have apathy and it’s hard for you to move or do anything, It’s hard for you to go out into the street or even fall into a depression without reason.
- If you are always moody, sharp, unfriendly, and you see everything gray.
- If you are sad and see everything as difficult or impossible, you always see the glass as half empty.
- If you have insomnia or fall asleep, you wake up at 2 or 3 o’clock, with the impossibility of going back to sleep.
- If you are angry and aggressive with your family and loved ones, you are getting angry or moving away from others.
- If the money escapes between your fingers, you cannot spend more and save when you are not like that.
- Everything goes wrong: work, business, loss of money, loss of friends, bad reputation, misunderstandings, a bad streak that never ends.
- If you have sexual problems and it does not work with your partner.
Tests to see if they made you Black Magic or evil eye.
Test the glass of water, vinegar, and salt: place a glass of water with vinegar and salt under the bed. Put it under your bed for a week. If, after seven days, the salt has gone up the glass walls and left the same, it means that they cast a spell on you.
Test water, oil, and hair: put half a glass of water with a few hairs you will leave floating in the water. You will add oil. If the hair has gone to the bottom after one hour, it means they have done a job. If it keeps floating, then no.
Try the glass of water and oil: take a glass of water, dip the finger of the heart in olive oil, and put three drops of oil in the water. If the drops become many oil droplets or if those three drops sink and go to the bottom. It will mean that someone has done witchcraft on you.
Egg Test: Grab a glass and fill it halfway. Choose a Tuesday or a Friday. Take a fresh egg and pass it through the body, from the head to the feet: front, head, chest, heart, stomach, and belly. Peel it, and pour it into the water.
It is a bad sign if the water gets cloudy or bubbles since it means witchcraft. Suppose the bud takes the form of a cross or eye, too. Instead, if the yolk goes to the bottom of the glass and the evidence remains on the surface, it means that you are clean.
The solution is if you have been made with Black Magic or Evil Eye.
I recommend that you follow the advice of my other post about Black Magic and Protection Rituals.
If, on the contrary, you feel downright bad and you are not able to do it alone, do not hesitate to consult a professional. It is an unpleasant subject that is unthinkable for someone balanced and honest, scared to confront one alone with it.
In Rituals of Protection of Black Magic, you will find a way to reverse the work you have done. It’s simple, and you can cleanse your room of negative energies and send them to the person who has done it.
i need help
im curious maybe im a victim and I dont understand
I’m not sure if I’m a victim