Hispaniola is a small island divided into two small Caribbean countries, one of which is Haiti. It occupies the island’s western side and is smaller than the eastern part. Haiti is mainly known for its long-desting and frequently occurring earthquakes, but again, let me tell all my readers that Haiti is also known for its black magic and Vodou.
Haiti is said to have been discovered by the explorer Columbus on his trip to Asia. He claimed this island for the dwelling of the Spanish people and named it accordingly, which later came to be what we know today—HISPANIOLA. This island was divided into small territories, but after the government came into action, it was divided into two parts: HAITI.
Haiti has a strong cultural background rooted in Africa, primarily Western Africa. Its religion tends towards Latin American or Christianity. Hence, black magic also prevails and is most similar to that practiced in Africa, especially in Vodou.
Haiti – Cursed by the devil?
It is said that a long time ago, the residents of Haiti had signed a deal with the devil, wherein they asked the devil to free them from the slavery of the French, which was done. Still, then the devil cursed Haiti, for which, as of to date, Haiti is in poverty, illness, and disaster, wherein the only other country apart from Haiti – the Dominican Republic on the same island of Hispaniola flourishes with wealth and prosperity. This fact is also considered to be just some rumor or storyline. Still, the proofs that exist show the truth, and hence, eventually, the residents of Haiti started practicing black magic, which was taught from generation to generation.
Vodou Traditions in Haiti and the Reverence for Ancestral Bones
Vodou, also known as voodoo, is practiced as a religion in Haiti, like most African countries. But unlike other countries of the Caribbean, cannibalism is not practiced by the people of Haiti. Haitians believe in preserving the bones of their ancestors and show respect for those bones preserved in shrines. Haitians believe that the bones of their ancestors have got magical and healing powers and value them a lot. The Haitians celebrate the “All Souls Day” (as per the Roman Catholic calendar) as FET GEDE. They believe that their ancestor(s) soul would descend from heaven and come to meet them via possessing a family member’s body. Even black magic spells are cast to invoke these ancestral souls for healing, protection, or acquiring wealth.
Respecting Ancestral Bones and Celebrating FET GEDE in Haitian Vodou Practices
Below, I have marked some essential features and other understandings of Vodou in Haiti or the basic concepts of VODOU as per the region of Haiti.
There is only one God, Bondye, similar to GOD(S) of other faiths, but he is the only God. Apart from the only God, some spirits are primarily categorized into three sects.
2. The TWINS are known to be the mystical forces of good and bad. They are served with great care so that they can help you live a better life.
3. The DEAD are considered the souls of some person belonging to a specific family, also known as ancestral souls, whose body was not claimed after death.
The main reason for practicing voodoo, especially in Haiti, is that it is used for healing purposes. A Vodou doctor is known as a houngan (male) or mambo (female). They perform black magic to heal or calm spirits, prepare love portions, and create death spells and curses. The houngan or a mambo may ask for some money for the spell or ritual they would perform for someone, but at times, they do not.
Differentiating Rada and Petro in Haitian Vodou Practices
The rituals or black magic spells performed by the houngan or mambo occur in the open or someplace higher than the ground, like the roof where everyone is asked to join, drums are played, and people dance to the tune in the presence of LA PLACE. It is said that since houngans and mambos use the LWA spirit, hence during the performance of the ritual, LWA comes and takes over a body so that LWA can give remedies or help to the person for whom the ceremony is performed.
Again, to be more precise, Vodou in itself is divided into two parts
1. Rada – the Vodou of a family spirit or a peaceful lwa.
2. Petro – also known as Congo, Vodou of angry and bad lwa.
Rada is performed for well-being, wealth, healing, and protection, whereas Petro is performed for killing someone or cursing and bringing ill luck to someone. Well, this is all about Vodou and black magic in the Caribbean. To be more precise, black magic is practiced in Haiti, and before I end this, I have summed up some specific terms related to Haitian Vodou used in Haiti. Please read below to enhance your knowledge.
- Hounfo – the area or region of houngan or mambo’s guidance.
- Govi – a small earthen bottle into which the gros-bon-ange of dead ancestors are kept.
- Serviteurs – serious practitioners of voodoo.
- Ason -the magical shake of the houngan or mambo.
- Lave tet—also known as the washing of the head—is a beginner’s ceremony held for individuals after they are mounted for the first time.
- Kanzo – the introduction ceremonies for those moving into a severe level of Voodoo practice.
- Ason – the final beginning of being a houngan or mambo. This is a very secret ritual performed in the absence of others.
- Verve – a ritual of drawing different lwa with flour.
- Peristyle – a very tiny vodou temple.
- Poto mitan – a center pole inside the Vodou temple or peristyle where the rituals occur.
- Les Invisibles – all spirits.
- Les Mysteries – the lwa themselves.
- Crossroads – an image used in Vodou practice, where the world of spirit meets the earth.
- Legba – An older man who is the gatekeeper between the two worlds and the origin of life.
- Kalfu – a very dangerous lwa and equivalent to Petro, is the spirit of darkness and night.
- Papa Ghede – Lord of eroticism.
- Dumballah, the father figure, is the good snake and the path to peace and serenity.
- Agwe – The supreme of the seas.
- Ogoun – also known as the warrior spirit.
- Erzulie is Mother Earth and the spirit of love and beauty, and it is the most loved form of lwa.