From my mystic and ancient Book of Shadows…
26th March 2025
Dear Friend,
o you seek a way to solve a problem more significant than your ability to solve it? Or do you desire a shortcut in life? For a few more hours, I will cast a black magic spell for free. THIS IS NO JOKE! I am taking my precious time and materials to help if you need it. This is my way of repaying the universe for all it has given me, so do not mistake me for a charity worker!
What is your problem? You tell me, and I will cast a potent black magic spell for that area. I accept many types of requests, so click the correct box in the sign-up below. Please send it immediately, or I cannot cast your spell.
I am Magistrate Eeno, a Warlock and necromancer practicing the black arts for over 35 years! My black magic spells have revived dead relationships, brought riches to poor people, and handled seemingly unsolvable problems. I believe you can ask the universe for your inner desires without fear. We are all part of it, and powers beyond our imagination control it. We may be small in the grand scheme of things, but we matter! I ensure your life will improve and help you experience the next level of existence! I am an expert in many fields, but my preferred ones are spells of love and money spells!
How do I sign up for my last free spells to be cast? You sign up below. Choose the kind of black magic spells you want me to cast. There is a wide range from love spells to protection spells…
To be sure you are serious, I will immediately send you an email, and you must open it and click the confirmation link to cast your spell. If you do not do it, I will not cast your spell! Also, check your junk/spam folder, as it sometimes goes there.
This spellcast is highly confidential, and I will not share your personal information with others. That goes for you as well!
1. How big is the success rate of the FREE black magic spell?
Answer: Around 80% of people have their dreams fulfilled with this cast. The success rate for love spells is around 85%.
2. Do I need to do anything?
Answer: You will need to do a small and easy chant that will take 2-3 minutes to perform.
3. Is this safe?
Answer: Yes, Of course it is! You or your loved ones are not in harm’s way.
4. How long will it take to see the results of my free black magic spell?
Answer: Some clients have experienced results as fast as 2-3 weeks… And others have to patiently wait longer to see results from my black magic spells.
5. Can you tell me if the spell will not be powerful enough?
Answer: Yes, of course! If something is wrong, I will let you know at the latest one week after the cast.
6. Can I order a more powerful solution if your FREE spell is not working for me?
Answer: I will re-evaluate your situation and tell you what has to be done. A cleanse is often needed, but other times, a more powerful spell needs to empower the first spell. It is different from case to case.
7. What kind of spells can I ask for?
Answer: Most people are looking for Love spells to make someone fall in love or win an ex back. Also, some people seek money spells and how to attract wealth into their lives. Fewer ask for protection spells, exam spells, win-at-court spells, etc. You can ask for any spell, but I do not cast spells to hurt anyone!
Hope my spell for more money works
Hi good luck white magic wo,nt work for me but I belive black magic will to make me happy again x
I really hope this works very soon. It’s coming up on New Years and I wanna get my New Years kiss for once in my life.
Will you please permanently remove a hex and unknown alien entity from myself and home.
It started 15 + years ago.
Occult from Brooklyn, New York placed a hex on me using a picture of me and black magic.
There is an unknown alien entity possessing me from within.
It’s been verified by psychics with the ability to astral project at will and have seen it with there own eyes.
Need all of it permanently removed and then have permenant protection placed on me and home so they / it cannot come back.
i want to look better than everybody
Thanks for everything
I can’t wait for the spell I asked for to manifest. I know my life is going to change for the better. Thank you for the free spell it really helps for those that are struggling to find our center and peace.
Hello! I had you cast a money spell earlier this month and things have been CRAZY! First, my business was shared over 20 times! Second, I was told about a job opportunity, applied and now I have an interview tomorrow! If I land it, it’s probably double what i make now!! Thank you Soo much!! 😁
An evil person accused me of a crime I did not commit. I had to go to prison for over a year. My family turned their backs on me and I was homeless. The charges were dropped, and I was released. I had to go to the psych ward because the piece of shit WILL NOT admit that he lied and is determined to ruin my life! I am beyond pissed off!!! This person will not leave me alone. They have friends/relatives that are government workers, so every single time I am found not guilty and the charges are dropped, they try to find another way to get me arrested. I am sick and tired of this person and the people that give this person “hook ups” by arresting me when I haven’t done anything wrong. They also put black magic on me.
Please find a way to permanently remove the black magic they put on me and return it to them. They said I would never get married, never have children, never have any money, and stay in prison for life for something I DID NOT do. This is the evil type of black magic they’re into. Please find a way to fix this. I also need a protection spell, so they will never bother me again. I’m sorry. I know I’m asking for a lot for free, but I can’t afford to pay anyone because they cursed me, so I don’t have a job. I also don’t have a husband or a boyfriend to help me and love me. They said I would always be alone. I HATE THEM!!!
Asking for a free money spell. I am in need of ne so bad. dont have money to pay my bills and I am in need of a wheel chair so bad ( mobile )
I. Jeg har problemer med potensen som søker en fyldig fet voksen kvinne med store bryster jeg kan suge på å hennes fete kropp å hennes fitte å hun meg suge min kuk, drømmer om en kvinne som er sort eller hvit 80 til 200 kg å god økonomi en kvinne i sort eller hvit bh med digre patter å suge på i alderen55 til 85 år
Will you please permanently remove a hex and unknown alien entity from myself and home.
It started 17 + years ago.
Occult from Brooklyn, New York placed a hex on me using a picture of me and black magic.
There is an unknown alien entity possessing me from within.
It’s been verified by psychics with the ability to astral project at will and have seen it with there own eyes.
Need all of it permanently removed and then have permanent protection placed on me and home so they / it cannot come back. Please do not REVERSE the hex. Makes my situation 10 times worse. Only REMOVE the hex . demons / portholes.
I can’t wait for my spell. I have waited a long time for someone to help me!
i need $$$$$$$ please i need a spell for prosperity!
Want my ex girlfriend back
My name is Pebbles McKenzie and I live in Houston, Texas. Can you please cast three Powerful Reversal of Misfortune Spells on me? To remove the Hex from my life. Please cleanse my Aura three times. Please cast three Powerful Protection Spells on me. Please cast Free Money Spells on me, my niece Nastahja Hopkins, and my sister Dawn McKenzie. Please make us start and keep receiving hundreds and thousands of dollars every day. Please make Pebbles McKenzie, Dawn McKenzie, and Nastahja Hopkins receive Financial Windfalls that will get us out of debt and poverty. Please make Pebbles McKenzie, Dawn McKenzie, and Nastahja Hopkins have plenty of money every day and plenty of food every day. Please make Pebbles McKenzie, Dawn McKenzie, and Nastahja Hopkins become wealthy and debt free forever.
I need spell for clarity and wisdown, people are often rude to me without reason and i cant find love have block or curse and i see money less than i have and earning
Your heart is a muscle the size of your fist. Keep on fighting. Keep on loving.
I need help for lottery numbers luck but 8f you are asking for big money from me I can’t sent you because I’m not working now please kindly help me
My email is a satan sold soul request to have satan fulfil my 24 wishes
I want more than anything to break free of this poverty stricken life I seem to have been trapped in. Just knowing that a spell will be cast for me gives me hope of a home and a better future for myself and my children
I want my ex back to me
I wish to have my ex back and have no more issues with her I wish to prosper in love w her all I wish is for a love life w my ex thst will last a life time
I’m confident you help….I spend a lot of money for this but nothing happen
hi i would like to cast a love spell cause i have been single so long so please help it would be happy for me
I don’t see a sign up, but I am wanting to have a spell done on increasing my manifesting power to be stronger, and bringing my loved one back and acting ten times more of a man than before. Plus being able to manifest 1,000,000s of dollars.
I don’t see the sign up I have tried before but I need a cleansing but there is nothing to cleanse I just want my spell cast I don’t care about the spell hurting me
Someone is attacking my wife with black magic causing her all kinds of mental and physical problems. She can’t work because sickness and depression keep her in bed most of the day. She is filled with negative and suicidal thoughts, she lost all interest in sex, we fight constantly, and she is physically and verbally abusive. Can you please create a spell to protect her against whatever is attacking her?
I need my ex to come back too me.b
if you don’t mind ,i would love you to cast a mind control spell on me,
truth is more important for me, and yes i can handle the truth.
I would LOVE you to include me in your BLACK MAGIC spell for money and wealth! I am so tired of living paycheck to paycheck! I just want a nice house new SUV have a fridge and cuboard filled with food and NEVER have to depend on another person or struggle!
I hope im not too late!
I thank you for your blessing in advance!
Please and Thank you!
Thank you in advance for making my desire come true for me!
Im looking forward to living the best part of my life after casting online. Thank you for your energy
I need money.Can you help me please.
i just need to be smart to pass my exams and have that corner office job to be able to know what to do to be able to access all information on my 3 months training to be able to work without supervision lead my children and be protected while i make money and i need it quickly
I would like tons of money…Please help me
I want revenge on the people who took my life away from me and ruin my relationship with my family and ex by their lies and deceit. Just so they can what I have for there selves and with there lies they injured me and put me in a coma and got away with it by there lies
Trying but says
Something missing
My desire, I did again. No avail?
i want to change gender
I want my ex boyfriend rahim back please help me
i want all my rivals human and non human to be under my control