Money problems are one of the primary reasons for the ever-growing stress they bring to one’s life. Due to stress, health suffers. Hence, if you suffer from a money-related problem and do not see a way out of it, you should seek help with Egyptian money spells. Yes, I just mentioned Egyptian money spells. There is a specific reason behind saying the same. Well, I will explain it in more detail.
Egyptian money spells are designed and performed to relieve the stress due to money-related problems. In addition, these spells are also performed to get you more money and income from different sources. Since Egyptian love spells are a form of white magic spells, they would give out only desired results, and no harmful effects would be harmful to anyone.
How Egyptian Black Magic Money Spell is Cast
Now, I must tell you how an Egyptian money spell is cast. We all should know this because one must perform many rituals to cast Egyptian money spells. Yes, a specific set of rituals must be performed before a money spell can be cast, ensuring that the spell gives favorable results only. The very first thing you need is a black candle. Yes, black was a sign of wealth and prosperity in ancient Egypt; hence, you would need a black color candle. Then, it would help if you had some flavored incense sticks, cones, or granules; these flavors would be frankincense and myrrh since they are considered auspicious. It was even believed that frankincense was the tear of the God RA.
Three different times for Egyptian magic casts
To perform the magic spell, you must decide a time. However, three different times, the dawn, the dusk, and the midnight, are considered auspicious in Egyptian magic. The most preferred is midnight, a night with a full or new moon. It would help to visit the temple’s sanctuary once you have all these items and the right time to cast the spell. Offer food, grains, flowers, and incense to the god of wealth. Then you offer beer (do not get shocked; I just said beer) because it was one of the leading drinks consumed in ancient Egypt. Once all the offerings are made to please the god of wealth (remember that the person who goes to offer the offerings should also be cleaned, bathed, and shaved correctly), the person can cast the spell. Below is a sample spell used to begin an Egyptian money spell. Modifications or additions and subtractions can be made as needed.
“Abukunamus bulumitalus
Anukusukha anukusumanu
Abilemata bolomerius.”
You will see that the spells do not rhyme with each other, as you might find in spells cast using other rituals, but ancient Egyptians believed in the power of words and did not consider whether the spells cast were rhyming or not.