Cuban Santeria Magic Rules and Practices

Cuban Santeria symbol

Yoruba Babalawo

Santería is a religion with origins in the Yoruba tribe from Africa (“road of the Saints”) is the name given in Cuba to these ancestral rites.

SANTERIA: A pagan religion based on syncretism between Yoruba and Catholicism. The priests of Santeria are the Santeros, but we can also find Babalawos. To become a Santero, you must undergo different rituals.

It is easy to identify Santeros in Cuba. They are dressed entirely in white, with some necklaces or bracelets of their saint or saints, since a Santero can be the “son” of a single saint or several of them. The Babalawo is Orula’s son and has the power to read fate. It can be Babalawo without being Santero, although most are. Santería worships a central and creative force called Olodumare.

From him comes everything that exists. They believe that each person’s life is already determined before birth. The orishas will punish those who do not fulfill it and must reincarnate to satisfy the punishment. According to Santería, each person’s life is supervised by a saint (orisha) who actively participates in his daily life.


Before initiation, the person should receive a “cleansing” to purify himself. The first initiation is the necklaces, known as “elekes.” Five necklaces belonging to Eleggua, Obatalá, Shangó, Yemayá, and Oshún are given and protected from evil. The person is expected to respect the orishas and behave morally.


Not all Santeria practitioners are santeros.

The ceremony in which a person becomes a saint is called a “seat.” A link is formed between the Santero and an orisha. The Santero then undergoes the rite of the knife, which allows them to make animal sacrifices.


The priests of a greater hierarchy are called “babalaos.” They make diviners so that if there is a challenging case for the Santero, this one goes to the “babalao.”

They are to know the future, discover a curse, or determine whether someone has hit an evil or good spirit. In the case of an evil spirit, Santero proceeds to do “cleaning.” If the spirit is good, it must be strengthened.


The orishas have to offer sacrifices (“ebbo”) that they need to live. It can be fruit, candles, food, a sacrifice, etc. Each orisha has some herbs and animals that it likes to consume and are the ones that must be sacrificed. That is why Santería requires tents called “botanical” where the herbs and other objects of religion are sold.

Rules or regulations of Santeria

Ocha’s rule

The religious cult known in Cuba as Regla de Ocha or Santería is based on the adoration of the orishas or deities of the Yoruba pantheon of Nigeria. The godfather or godmother is the father and mother of countless children from a cult-dominated popular line of Santo.

Rule’s Ganga

The fact is that ritual functions and states of possession fall on women, while men only interpret ritual music.

Rule’s ayessá

Its members must be initiated in the Rule of Ocha temple house. The deities worshiped by this rule are the same ones found in the Rule of Ocha, although under other names.

For santeria spells, please read more here.

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Warlock Eeno

1 thought on “Cuban Santeria Magic Rules and Practices”

  1. Good day
    I have been with a Cuban man since 2015, he was supposed to marry a Cuban woman whom had his child (son) but he choose me over her. This women practices Santeria and since 2018 I feel that she has made curses against me and still doing so.
    This man whom I live with, took me to Cuba 2019 and when we arrived there, he needed to do some repairs to his house. He had gone to the roof, and he had found a bag of items that he says was used in Santeria. And then 2020, I was taken away from him when I was not supposed to, I was put in jail for 6 months. But he waited for me and stood by me, but at the same time she had tried to make him go back to her.
    2020 their son came to Canada to live with us, and ever since he has come, I am feeling like I am dying, I am always tired, I am gaining lots of weight (and doctors re trying everything). My life feels threatened, I have lots of headaches and stiff neck (Italian’s call this evil eye) But this man still stands by me through everything. I believe I am a good person; I help his son to help his mother, I do things for her and buy things for her, but I don’t think she knows I am doing this, his son knows because I send it with him. I know she hates me and want my man back.
    July 1, 2022, his son made a big deal about getting a bottle of white wine, and that he has asked to do a ritual for santeria.
    I am scared, since 2018, I feel like my luck is gone, everything keeps going bad, I believe she was the one whom kept my own kids away from me, made me broke, and homeless. But the only reason I allow this is because I love my man so much, I wud actually die for him.
    I was hoping you can cleanse me, restore my luck, restore my health, I want to be healthy again.


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