A Comprehensive Beginner’s Guide To Black Magic Beauty Spells

Beginners Guide To Black Magic Beauty Spells

Do you want to lose weight fast? Do you want to change the color of your eyes? Do you want to be the most beautiful person in the eyes of all people? Well, there is nothing to worry about, as you can use so many Black Magic Beauty spells.

Black magic is one of the most common alternatives for many people to get the beauty they want, and you are also free to use it depending on your needs and preferences. Many believers habitually rely on this method to get what they want, especially regarding seemingly unreachable things. These spells might be a bit hard to grasp when you first encounter them, but they do come in handy for some people who know how to utilize them correctly.

This guide will get you started on the different spells you can use.

Before You Use Black Magic

Even before you use the different Black Magic Beauty spells that could suit your needs, there are some essential things that you have to know and keep in mind. Those are the below:

  • There are no assurances on the beauty spell you will use, but there is nothing wrong with trying this.
  • You must follow the instructions given to you to avoid problems with it.
  • As much as possible, you must use the exact ingredients and things needed for a better experience and be assured of its likely result later on.
  • If you want the best outcome from performing the beauty spell you have chosen, you should ensure that you do it in a tranquil place without other people.

Free Beauty Spells

Changing Your Eye Color Spell

Have you ever dreamt of changing the color of your eye? Do you want to do this naturally? Well, using this beauty spell could help and guide you with this. This spell is meant to help you change the color of your eyes to your preferred coloring. Most people want their beauty to be enhanced, and this simple spell can help with that.

Things to Prepare:

First, let us start on the different things you must prepare for this spell. There are only some things that you have to prepare, which include the following: Two Small White Candles and One Big White Candle, Paper and Paper Plates, Blood, and markers. Prepare Your Eyes, Body, and Face A Clean Floor.

Reminder: This is one of the simple Black Magic Beauty spells, but you can expect a slight headache and feel sick because of your eyes. You may think you would not want to open it and feel heavy. It would be best to avoid opening it for about a minute.

The Instructions:

1. Start lighting the different candles you have and set the big white candle on the plates
2. Put the small candles on the side and the top of the bottom.
3. There will be a possible blue or green dot that you are going to find as 10 minutes pass by
4. Close your eyes and chant the incantation.
5. Chant that for two times.

Weight loss Spell

There are also Black Magic Beauty spells that you can use to lose weight. This is ideal for those who have difficulty getting the body they want and are interested in losing weight quickly and quickly. If you always have difficulty shedding off extra pounds, you might want to try this. It’s a simple spell that is said to help you with weight loss and other easy related solutions. Compared to different kinds of Black Magic Beauty spells, this could be simple and a lot easier for you to do.

Things to Prepare:

You must only prepare a few things for this spell: pillows, paper, voice, and a pen. You should also ensure that you have a specific weight you want to achieve in your mind to get started on this. The Instructions: 1. Write the weight you want to accomplish on a piece of paper that you have prepared. Make sure that it is in pounds. 2. Chant the spell.
3. Kiss the small piece of paper and keep it under the pillow you use before bed.

Eternal Beauty

On the other hand, if you want an eternal beauty that could surpass any other person, this is the right spell for you. Youth is a much-coveted concept that most people want to retain. Aging is natural, but some people think their appearance is becoming unsightly. This spell is used to counter that and help the person preserve her beauty and youthfulness in her prime.

Things to Prepare:

The only thing you need to prepare is your name written on a piece of paper. Make sure that it is written as beautifully as possible. Reminder: This kind of spell is used to reverse vanity spells.

The Instructions: This is much simpler and easier than the other beauty spells you can use to have eternal beauty, which could be perfect for you to be assured of what you will get.

1. Have the paper you have prepared in front of you.
2. Chant the spell.

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Warlock Eeno