Lately, I have been talking about spells and casting them. I want to state that black magic (do not be afraid) gives spines to your body. However, I can understand the same, and it was the same with me when I first took up the interest in the same, but let me tell you that black magic is the most powerful magic that can be performed and, if performed perfectly, will give the exact result, though at times the after-effects are there.
In general, what we know as black magic is used to hurt someone or bring out envy in someone, but this is not the truth – one can use black magic to bring luck, lucre, lust, and prosperity into one’s life. I would have already framed an article for all my readers with details of what black magic and white magic are. Read those articles of mine before you perform the rituals and cast the spells as in this genre of articles.
Spellcasting for Lasting Love Across All Relationships
As stated, I will write a few articles on ways to cast spells. This is another one on the same list. I hope this will be the most popular one since I was inspired to write it after observing that many of us fall in love but cannot get that love from the other person. So, I wondered whether we could cast a spell on someone to make that person love us.
Before I proceed with this, let me clarify a few things: this spell can be cast for parents to love their child or for other relatives, but the best use of this spell is observed when a girl or a boy casts it. Also, please note that this spell should be cast only if you genuinely love the person and want the other person to love you for your whole life. Please do not cast this spell on someone for a one-night stand.
Ingredient List for an Elaborate Love Spell
Since many ingredients are needed to make this love potion and cast this particular spell, I have penned down those ingredients with their exact measures. Get them first before you proceed with the spell. Okay, here is what you need to cast this spell and make this portion.
11 Oz saffron, 2 cups of stream water (stream water is sweeter to taste than other forms of water found), seven green olives
Twelve holy basil leaves, 22 mint leaves, 33 green cardamoms, 0.33 pounds of white sugar, five petals of pure red rose, 150 pounds of brown sugar. Most importantly, a bowl that should weigh exactly 0.1195 pounds is made of gold, silver, and platinum. Make sure the gold and silver do not touch each other; hence, what you can do when ordering such a bowl is ask the goldsmith to put the platinum in between the gold and silver. Also, ensure the bowl has no leakage points after being created—1 spoon made of pure silver. The last you need is one drop of your blood and a string of hair or a used cloth piece of the person you want to cast a spell on.
Preparing a 15-Day Love Spell Aligned with Lunar Phases
Before you prepare, let me say that this whole spell would take a 15-day cycle based on the new and full moon. What you need to do is – once you have the perfect bowl ready, choose a full moon or a new moon night, pour the stream water in it, and then once after all the ingredients stated herein, use the pure silver spoon to stir the mixture and once both the sugar is completely dissolved, use a sterilized needle pinch your ring finger of your left hand and pour a drop of your blood in the mixture. Stir it well so that your blood drop is mixed correctly, and then add a little saliva of yours to the same mixture. Divide the mix exactly 50-fifty in two separate wine glasses or apparatus (what we call them – used for drinking whisky).
Wrap the glass and seal it with black rose petals. Keep it in a safe place so that no one can understand what it is and why it has been kept because until your ritual is over, no one should know what you are doing or even ask you a question on the same. You must keep these glasses near a picture of the person you want to love. If you have chosen a full moon night, wait for the cycle and period to give you a new moon night or vice versa. When the day arrives, you need to take one wine glass with the mixture and make the person drink it. It is essential that the person swallows it without any query or question on his face, takes the glass from him, and when night arrives, opens the seal of your glass, pours the mixture on the empty glass you bought, and enchant it.
“Glory be thy Saturn
Let Venus pass,
My blood is your offering
Open the doors of love – let Venus pass.”
You must say this 13 times and then drink the mixture in one shot. Also, remember that this ritual is to be performed three times, keeping in mind the same cycle and period with the same ingredients. You can expect your first love letter when your third time offering is over.