Black Magic Spell To Increase Your Luck For Casino, Lottery and Gambling

Black Magic Spell To Increase Your Luck For Casino Lottery and Gambling
In this article from my series of black magic spell articles, I will give you tips and spells on increasing your luck when you gamble, play the lottery, or go to a casino. Practically speaking, we all play the lottery or go to casinos now or then with a mindset to earn money, but when we see that instead of getting money, we lose it, we curse our luck and/or think we are not lucky.

If this is the case with you, read below to increase your luck at casinos, the lottery, gambling, etc. Note that this is a luck spell and should not be shared with anyone. It is meant only for you. It would be best not to let anyone know that you are using this spell for yourself, or when you use it, no one should understand that you have used it. Visit my other pages for lottery spells.

Preparing a Lucky Gambling Mixture for Increased Fortune

First, you need to gather the ingredients as written here. Get yourself a 15 Oz solution of golden chamomile, then buy 5 Oz of bayberry powder and one gold biscuit (any weight). You would also require a lucky vulture head (this can be purchased only from African markets).

– Take a clean porcelain bowl, empty the golden chamomile solution, take the blood from the lucky vulture head, mix it in the solution, and put the golden biscuit and the bayberry powder in the bowl. Mix it and stir it well.

– Once you see that the mixture is ready, warm it – it should be Lukewarm so you can dip your hands in it. Now, dip your hands in the mix and wash them with it. Ensure that no drop spills out of the bowl or on the floor.

Hand Washing for Enhanced Luck in Gambling

It would help if you did this every night before you go to sleep and every time you go inside a casino or start gambling of any kind. Now, read carefully how to wash your hands with this mixture.

You need to dip one of your hands at a time. First, start by dipping your right hand and then your left hand. Once both hands are inside the bowl, your wrist is covered with the solution. Then rub your right hand on top of your left and vice versa thirteen times, saying:

“Lady of luck, I summon you thee,
Come to me, come to me,
Kiss my hands, touch my head,
Make my hand glow, for what I touch turns golden snow”…

Please do this as stated and then safely store the bowl with the solution so no one can reach it. It would be best to keep washing your hands, as stated until you see that you have won a minimum of $10,000 ten thousand dollars in one shot of gambling.

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Warlock Eeno