Urumurayee wande partaya
Toom toom toom
Partya wande urumurayee
Toom toom toom
Do you have a job? Or are you jobless? Do you fail all interviews? Do you get rejected when interviewed? Or have you been working hard for years but have not gotten a promotion? If the answer to any of the above is YES, read below to understand how to cast a black magic spell for a prosperous professional career.
I have already written the spell above. Now, I will describe how you cast it. The first thing you need is the day—your best day or your lucky day of the week. Get help from an astrologer or send me your birth details, and I will let you know your lucky day and color.
Astrology-Inspired Ritual Aligning with Lucky Colors and Symbols
As astrology states, you must wear clothes depicting your lucky color on your lucky day. When I say wear clothes, be it a shirt, trousers, innerwear socks, stockings, everything should resemble your lucky color, even your shoes. You also need to put the same nail polish color, change your hair color by a white pigeon, and use the same color paint to color the pigeon.
Now that you have all that is required, draw a pentagon inside a circle. Make it big enough so you can stand or sit inside the pentagon.
Sit or stand inside the pentagon, take a piece of paper on one side of the paper, and write the spell given above. On the other hand, write down the achievements you want for your career. Roll the paper and put it inside a scroll, then cut your left hand’s little finger (also known as the lady’s finger), fill the scroll box with your blood, and seal the mouth with wax.
Ritual Involving a Pigeon, Blood, and Specific Movements for Success
Take the pigeon in your hand and tie the scroll on its neck. Then, drip four drops of your blood from your little finger on its head. Then again, recite the spell 21 times, but this time, you need to jump every time you say the word TOOM, which means you need to jump six times per spell cast; hence, you need to jump a total of 126 times during the ritual. The higher you jump, the more quickly success will reach you.
When casting the spell is over, let the pigeon fly away; do not worry. It would return to you in a few days, but it has to fly away from you. You must repeat the ritual with a new pigeon if it sits or does not fly. Also, when it comes back, you must check whether the scroll attached to the neck is there. If the scroll is not there, you bet to get success and whatever you wrote in the scroll related to your professional career, but if the pigeon comes back with the scroll, you need to perform the whole ritual again from starting.
Have a successful career ahead!!!
Urumurayee wande partaya
Toom toom toom
Partya wande urumurayee
Toom toom toom