Black Magic Spell To Get Revenge And Make Your Ex-lover Suffer

Black Magic Spell To Get Revenge And Make Your Ex lover Suffer

Hexagon Ritual for Reuniting with an Ex-Lover

It would be best if you had green color chalk, probably a dozen of them, and half a dozen blue color chalk, around 29 dozen black rose petals and twenty-nine dozen hibiscus petals, and a bottle of rose water (concentrated one). Start by drawing a big hexagon on the floor of your room using green chalk, which should be made so that when you stand inside the hexagon, your shadow falls outside. Light green candles are on each hexagon tip, and the tip of the joint points are covered with black rose petals.

In the middle of the hexagon where you would stand, write the name of your ex-lover and keep his picture—make sure the photo used has only your ex-lover and no one else with it, not even you alone, and should be a full-length picture of your ex-lover.

Dawn Ritual with Personalized Chanting for Love Reconciliation

As soon as it is dawn time, stand inside the hexagon and enchant the below-written spell x times while crushing your ex-lover’s name and his picture. Every time you rub one character from the name, you sprinkle a little rose water and hibiscus petals in the place of the rubbed alphabet.

Now, the number of times you need to enchant the spell depends on the length of the full name of your lover. For example, if your lover’s name is JOHN KNIGHT, you must enchant the spell ten times. Also, remember that since you would be doing this during the dawn hour, you need to be sure that your spellcasting and the ritual are over before the cock doodles.

Consequences of Incomplete Spell and Ensuing Effects on an Ex-Lover

If cock doodles and your spell is not over for any reason, then you need to do the whole ritual all over again. On the third day from the day, you will perform this spell. You will undoubtedly hear some news from your ex-lover, which will let you know that your ex-lover is in pain or suffering. It might be that their health is down or financial loss; it can be anything that will take away their mental and or physical peace forever.


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Warlock Eeno