Luck is always and mostly considered lucre. It is believed that if you have luck, you have lucre; thus, many of us who do not have money think we are not lucky. In this article, I will write down a black magic spell to attract luck and money or let me say this as luck and lucre.
This spell and the sacrifice will help you please Lady Luck or Fortuna from Greek mythology. She is the goddess who controls the wheel of fortune and the four stages of life. This spell would help you please her with the sacrifice so that she looks down upon you and grants you luck and wealth.
You need thirteen sandalwood candles, eight allspice incense sticks, two cat claws, four horseshoes, and one rabbit (it should be white, not more than one year old, and have deep red eyes).
Conducting the Fortune Ritual with Rabbit Sacrifice and Sandalwood Candles
Make a big circle, and inside the circle, make a star – you will see that the star has ten joints. Keep a sandalwood candle on each joint; the remaining three leftover candles will be placed in the middle of the star. Light up the incense stick and keep it with the three candles. Then, you must hold the rabbit and scratch it to death using the horseshoe and cat claws. As soon as the rabbit dies, hold the rabbit’s tail and burn it in the candle’s flames. You need to burn the rabbit to ashes; while the rabbit burns, enchant.
“Goddess of fortune, Fortuna, I offer you the flesh of a new rabbit; accept my sacrifice and rotate my wheel of fortune.”
You must perform this ritual nine times, divided into three Saturdays, 3 Thursdays, and 3 Tuesdays of 3 consecutive months of the same year. With the new year, which will start, you will realize that luck favors all your part, and you earn a lot of money from various methods, like gambling or via a job, or someone calls you up to let you know that you have owned a fortune or money would come in through inheritance.
Good luck spell for money, job
Magic spells are very famous for a few specific spells, like love, money, and luck spells. Today, we will discuss some good luck spells for money, jobs, etc. Good luck is what we all desire to have. We all want good luck regarding money, a job, or anything. Hence, today, let me brief you on the knowledge of good luck spells and why they are cast, and then I will mention some good luck spells that you can cast yourself for good luck.
Luck is a significant factor in our daily life or on special occasions. Thus, we need luck to always be on our side. Sometimes, we find that luck is not favoring us, and this time is when we need luck the most; hence, we need a good luck spell. As I already said, a good luck spell can be for anything like money, a job, or anything special. A good luck spell for money will increase our good luck when it comes to acquiring money, probably using methods or techniques of gambling or betting at the casino (or just a mere lotto draw). Whatever it might be for getting money, a good luck spell always gives us an upper hand to draw money near us. Similarly, a good luck spell for a job would give us an upper hand in job-related stuff like getting a good job, getting a raise in a present job, getting recognized by seniors, and being recommended for a job.
A good luck spell for money, job, etc., is generally cast by an experienced and learned spell caster who listens to your problem and then designs a specific good luck spell per your need and requirement. However, as said above, you will find two good luck spells, each for money and one for a job, which you can cast for yourself and let good luck hold your hand.
Good luck spell for money
You would require a gold coin, silver coin, and luck oil. Put three drops of luck oil on the head side of each gold coin and silver coin, then stick the head side of both coins together. Hold both the coins firmly with your thumb fingers and cast the below spell thrice. Perform this spell for twelve consecutive days starting from a new moon day. Perform it twice every day, precisely at twelve a.m. and twelve p.m. Once the spell is complete, you must make a hole in the coin, slide a black thread, and wear it on your neck as an amulet. After wearing the amulet, try your luck with money matters, like betting or playing at a casino, and see how your luck supports you.
“Luck Luck be my bug
Mutusi mucumlusum
Levisotus bringumusum.”
A Good luck spell to get a job
This good luck spell for a job would help you get through any interview. If this is your first job interview or your Internal Job Posting (IJP) interview, cast the spell right before the day you will be called for the interview or sit for the interview questionnaires or interview exams.
First, place the dress you will wear for your interview the next day, put it on red chart paper and cover it with red rose petals. You would also need a bottle of rose water and some blueberry incense sticks. After placing your dress on the red chart paper, light up the blueberry incense sticks and keep it in the middle of the dress, make sure your dress is already covered with red rose petals, then sprinkle rose water on your dress so that each part of your dress gets the fragrance of the rose water. Then cast the below spell thrice or multiples of three until the incense sticks burn out. Wear the same clothes the following day when getting ready for the interview. Pray to the almighty to give you success, help your spell, and provide you with the effect of stepping outside and not turning back for any reason.
“azanthurus vipathinus
Culuculu cusutum
Itotun ilolum hocus
Focus focus focus hocus
Monetary nutiti itimilichi.”