Black Magic Traditions of Mexico

Black Magic Traditions of Mexico

Mexico, a country between North and South America, has a variety of cultures and languages, and it is affected by both regions and people in both areas. However, it is also not free from the influence of black magic, and it is believed that Spain brought it into Mexico.

In most of the vividly used black magic

Small animals are required in most of the vividly used black magic in Mexico. Rattlesnake is used to cure diseases, and many potions oils are made by extracting blood and other biological juices from lizards and toads and using dried tongues of specific fishes or herbs and plants. Although it prevails all around the country, the center for practicing such magic is the village of Catemaco.

Until today, the village of Catemaco holds a black mass every Friday, attended by many Mexicans from Mexico and the states (USA). Most people visiting the black mass or seeking help from a witch doctor in Mexico are either looking for some black magic spell to ensure that evil spirits cannot harm them or to ward away evil spells that someone might have cast on them. They also look for love spells and charms, mainly because their ex and those they want revenge on have been dumped.

The practice of evil eye and curses also prevails all over Mexico, with many people seeking spell casters to use curses on someone who is their enemy. Even one can find a black magic market in Mexico where stuff related to black magic is found. It is a labyrinth for most witch doctors, who can cast any spell as per the individual’s need and make anything possible. It is believed that different races resided in Mexico in olden times, so different ways of practicing black magic are adapted from these other races.

Diverse Spiritual Practices in Catemaco’s Witchcraft

Mexican witch doctors are believed to be using only black magic spells. Still, they are also considered to use deities belonging to Hindu and Buddhist communities and signs from the Chinese community. Suppose one can visit the black mass conducted in Catemaco on Friday by these so-called witch doctors or sorcerers. In that case, the person can observe that these black magic spell casters are dressed in black robes with signs like YING-YANG (belongs to Chinese mythology), which they term as a representation of dark and light. They would also have deities like SHIVA & GANESHA (Hindu gods). Mexicans consider the first Friday of March very auspicious, especially by the residents of this small village – Catemaco. Hence, this was the day these witch doctors would create powerful magic spells specially made for curing and cleansing.

The Fear and Reverence of Brujos and Brujas in Catemaco’s Dark Magic Traditions

According to the Mexicans, magic is of three kinds, popularly known as white magic, black magic, and red magic. Those who practice red and white magic are considered good, and it is said that red and white magic is practiced for healing, but Mexicans fear those who practice black magic, also known as brujos (male) and brujas (female). It is said that brujos or brujas can cast curses that cannot be taken back or reversed by other spells and that brujos or brujas can even cast black magic spells to kill someone instantly.

The brujos and brujas usually tend to practice magic in caves, and hence it is said that the devil resides in the caves found in and around the small village of Catemaco in Los Tuxtlas. The brujos and brujas worship Cobix, the black prince of the devil god who gives them the power to perform black magic and cast black magic spells and curses.